CITB supports the skills needs of the British construction sector. They have created the leadership and management development grant for this purpose.
In response to COVID-19, CITB is now offering Leadership and Management development grant for the construction sector
What this grant is for?
The Leadership and Management Development grant is a one-year competitive fund. It will enable large construction companies (with more than 250 directly employed staff) to invest in developing the leadership, management or supervisory skills of their staff.
Please refer to the Guidance Notes (PDF 193KB) for further details.
In response to COVID-19 we have expanded the funds to support business sustainability as well as business improvement. The changes we have made are set out in the Guidance Notes (PDF 193KB).
When can you apply?
The fund is open from 14 April 2020. The deadline for applications is 12 June 2020.
- Your project can last for up to one year, but we will keep the COVID-19 situation under review and be flexible about start dates.
- Applications can contain indicative time scales that are subject to social distancing rules no longer being in place and provision being accessible.
Who can apply for funding?
You can apply if:
- you are a CITB-registered employer
- you have more than 250 directly employed staff on the payroll
If your project is a collaboration of large employers, or also supports businesses in the supply chain, you will need to identify a lead employer. This must be a large employer who meets the above criteria.
How much can you apply for?
You can apply for up to £100,000.
We will fund a range of projects of different sizes, so we do not expect all proposals to be this large-scale. We do not expect to fund projects under £5,000 through this fund.
Before you apply
Make sure you’ve read and understood these documents
How to apply?
Please complete the Leadership and Management Development grant application form (word document 1MB). Your CITB Partnerships Team contact will be happy to support you.
To complete and submit the form, you should:
- Download the application form and save it to your computer
- Complete all fields, saving regularly along the way to prevent loss of data
- Save and send the completed form to L&
The CITB team will review all applications at the end of June.
If any company would require to the discuss the leadership and management development grant with us we are happy to assist in the matter. Please contact our director directly:
Tel: 02921 156603
CITB Leadership & Management Programme Fundable:
Requirements: The cost of construction management training listed in the CITB Grant scheme Training outside of the CITB grant scheme, either accredited or where quality can be demonstrated Coaching and mentoring delivered by an accredited coach or mentor Development of learning resources for the individual company, that are not already available in the market, including: Development of learning resources for the individual company, that are not already available in the market, including: Training course content Training videos or online courses (that make use of existing platforms) Company specific guidance or manuals for staff (where the purpose is the development of knowledge or skills)
NB: This list is not exhaustive. Other things will be considered if they deliver skills development outcomes and are consistent with fund criteria.
Application Criteria Criteria will be used to assess your answers and determine what programmes of activity, or separate deliverables can be funded. They are: • Impact (30%) – Evidence of clear outcomes relating to business objectives that will result in a measurable improvement to the business or significantly increase sustainability• Evaluation (25%) – A robust programme of evaluation to be implemented by the company• Quality (15%) – Evidence that all training or activity will be delivered to high standards• Value for money (15%) – Clear costs for all activities that represents high return on investment for the funding• Additional (15%) – Information about whether the programme has been improved or extended, or is an existing programme that needs investment to enable to continue.
How CCW-Training Academy can help! We can assist in providing the relevant information and a gap analyses for your company CCW-Training Academy is an ILM accredited centre offering various qualification including Construction in the Built Environment Level 3 Award/Certificate/Diploma We have qualified staff to offer coaching and mentoring for individual company. Yes, we can offer various Leadership & Management programme accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM)Yes, we have training videos and/or on-line courses that make use of our existing platforms. Yes, we can offer specific guidance or manuals for staff for the development of knowledge or skills.
How CCW-Training Academy can help! We can offer support to company requiring to map-out the company’s training programme bespoke to the company’s business.We can assist in evidencing a clear learning outcomes relating to business objectives and associated improvement to business and sustainability. We can assist in developing a robust programme of evaluation. CCW is an ISO 9001:2015 accredited centre and with other qualification and awards. CCW can assist in demonstration the Return on Investment (ROI). CCW can offer advice on matters relating to existing programme that needs investment and continuity.
CITB has developed a framework setting out the competencies needed for construction supervisors, managers and leaders at different levels and in different roles. Following this framework is not a requirement, but it may be a helpful resource if you are developing or adapting programmes. The CITB framework refers to different functions that managers or leaders might oversee. For example, they might oversee Sales and Marketing activity. This fund supports the skills that are needed to manage the function, not the knowledge or skills to deliver the function e.g. sales training.
Type of Programme Programmes should be aimed at those whose primary role is a leader, manager or supervisor; or those in construction operations who manage as part of their role. In the latter case, training must focus on leadership and management skills, rather than relate to other skills or knowledge requirements of that role. Proposals can include programmes that seek to tackle specific challenges or change company culture, through developing new skills or knowledge amongst managers, leaders or supervisors.
Examples include:
Learning Outcomes
• Business sustainability / retention of skills
• Productivity improvement (such as performance, reducing waste)
• Recruitment and retention of staff • Safety and/or wellbeing
• Quality
• Innovation (including, but not exclusively, digital technology)
•Organisation culture Diversity
How CCW-Training Academy can help! Suggested training courses
Change Management / Leadership skills Developing Critical Thinking / Sustainability Awareness Understanding Recruitment and staff retention Health & Safety Awareness / Mindfulness Understanding Quality Management in the Workplace Leading Innovation and Change Understanding Organisational Culture and Ethics Managing Equality & Diversity in Own area
For more information please contact us on:
Tel: 02921156603