AAT Essentials Fundamentals of financial accounting (1/2 Day)

This Fundamentals of financial accounting training course introduces you to double-entry bookkeeping principles and focuses on accurately categorising transactions into accounts. It also explains how to account for VAT and the difference between accruals and cash accounting. This course is suitable if you have no, or limited bookkeeping understanding/ experience, and if you find yourself in a role where, for example, you must code purchase orders correctly.
What does the course cover?
- Categories of accounts.
- The principles of double-entry bookkeeping.
- Value added tax.
- The difference between accruals accounting and cash accounting.
What skills will you gain?
- Differentiate between accounting and bookkeeping.
- Categorise accounts and transactions.
- Apply double-entry bookkeeping principles.
- Calculate and record VAT.
Learning outcomes:
- Give your employees’ an understanding of the structure of an accounting system.
- Raise employees’ awareness of the importance of processing and coding financial transactions accurately, to ensure your business complies with accounting standards and
- VAT regulations.
- Build your employees’ confidence in basic double-entry bookkeeping.
- Raise your employees’ awareness about the fundamental concept of accruals.
Delivery Methodology:
- Presentation by tutor
- Case study
- Practical activity
Course Duration:
1/2 Day (3.5 hours / half day)
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