Course Benefits
This Institute of Leadership and Management (Level 5 – Award) is a qualification that has been specially designed to give practising or aspiring managers a solid foundation in their formal development in this role.
This is a concise qualification made up of two mandatory units and no optional units.
The first mandatory unit (4 credit): ‘Understanding the management role’, participants explore the nature of the middle management role and critically evaluate their own managerial ability.
The second mandatory unit (6 credit): ‘Assessing your own leadership capability and performance’, participant will be exploring their skills, knowledge and experience in their leadership and performance capability.
To ensure the learning takes whole, the participants will learn the true challenges of being a leader in the 21st century and the behaviours that differentiate them from managers.
Guided Learning Hours: 30
Taught Days 3
Homework 5
Centre Number Centre Name
Learner Registration No Learner Name
This task will allow a greater understanding of the role of the middle manager in the organisation and
the way in which organisations work. Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the
assessment criteria shown alongside. This task should be between 1 500 to 2 500 words.
Please use the headings shown below when writing up your
Assignment Assessment Criteria
The organisation in relation to its purpose and its stakeholders
Identify your organisation and describe its purpose
Explain your organisation’s structure, functional areas and managerial
roles in relation to its purpose
Identify your organisation’s stakeholders and explain their objectives
(min 12 marks required from 24 available)
• The organisation’s purpose
and its stakeholders are
• The organisation’s structure,
functional areas and
managerial roles are
The role of management in achieving goals
Describe the specific responsibilities of middle managers in enabling
your organisation to achieve its goals
(min 10 marks required from 20 available)
• The specific responsibilities
of middle managers in
enabling the organisation to
achieve its goals is described
The effect of communication and interpersonal relationships on
managerial performance
Explain the positive and negative effects that interpersonal
relationships and communication skills can have on managerial
performance in your organisation
Identify barriers to communication and effective interpersonal
relationships in your organisation and devise strategies to overcome
these in your own area of work
(min 15 marks required from 30 available)
• The effect of interpersonal
relationships and
communication on
managerial performance is
• Barriers to communication
and effective interpersonal
relationships in the
organisation are identified
and strategies devised to
overcome these
Development opportunities
Critically assess own knowledge, skills, personal attributes and
behaviour and their effect on own managerial ability
Based on this assessment determine priorities for further development
and plan activities to achieve these
(min 13 marks required from 26 available)
• Own knowledge, skills,
personal attributes and
behaviour and their effect on
own managerial ability is
critically assessed
• Areas for personal
development to improve own
managerial behaviour is
• Priorities for future
development are planned
and set