Highway and Transportation engineers, clients and approving highway authorities are becoming more mindful of these modelling software tools used nowadays and its evolving changes and improvement.
CCW – Training Academy (Ltd) working in collaboration with the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) to deliver CPD courses
The courses comprise a mixture of presentations from TRL experts and practical sessions where delegates can gain hands-on experience of using the latest versions of the programs. As well as working through the planned exercises, attendees are welcome to bring their own junction or network plans to work with. The course presentations include explanations and advice relating to the underlying traffic engineering principles, accident reduction considerations and the use of the software itself.
The courses are suitable for beginners, however familiarity with basic traffic engineering terms and ideas is desirable to gain maximum benefits. Experienced users can also benefit from the courses, as they provide an opportunity to try out new features in the software. Some advanced software topics are also covered towards the end of the courses. Attendees will need to be familiar with the use of PCs and Windows software.
Learning Out Come
Presentations include explanations and advice relating to the underlying traffic engineering principles, accident reduction considerations and the use of the software itself. The courses are suitable for beginners, although familiarity with basic traffic engineering terms and ideas is assumed. Experienced users can also benefit from the courses, since they provide an opportunity to try out new features in the software. Some advanced topics are also covered towards the end of the courses. Familiarity with the use of PCs and Windows software is assumed.
We offer regular courses in Cardiff and Bristol depending on the numbers of delegates. Courses are also run at TRL’s headquarters in Crowthorne (Berkshire). Up to a maximum of 14 delegates can be accommodated in each training session. Candidates attending should bring their laptop however those without we will provide at a minimal charge.
Training and workshops can also take place at other locations around the UK and overseas depending on demand (For further information please contact us on: info@careerchangewales.co.uk
Places on our courses can be limited so it is advisable to book early, although if demand is sufficient we may run more than one course. All of our courses can be tailored to a specific need and we are also able to provide in-house training. Courses are usually run on a regular basis and we can provide in-house training for companies in Wales and the UK.
Training Pricelist 
All prices exclude VAT. All bookings are subject to places being available. We reserve the right to cancel courses if there is insufficient demand.
1-Day ARCADY Upgrade Workshop: | £320 + VAT ( per person) |
1-Day Introductory Seminar to MOVA: | £200 + VAT ( per person) |
2-Day Engineers’ MOVA Workshop: | £660 + VAT ( per person) |
1-Day ARCADY/PICADY Workshop: | £320 + VAT ( per person) |
2-Day TRANSYT Workshop: | £620 + VAT ( per person) |
1-Day TRANSYT Upgrade Workshop: | £320 + VAT ( per person) |
1-Day ARCADY Upgrade Workshop, | £320 + VAT ( per person) |
1-Day OSCADY PRO Workshop, | £320 + VAT ( per person) |
Course Descriptions:
NEW! TRANSYT Training (one-day UPGRADE to TRANSYT 13.0 and TRANSYT 13.1)
This comprehensive one-day course is aimed at existing users of TRANSYT who would like to learn about the new version of the software and the new features it offers. We will present in detail the essentials of how to use the new software and will include extensive hands-on sessions. The course is ideal for both those who are planning to upgrade to TRANSYT 13 and for those who will have already done so.
Note: Existing users will find the new TRANSYT 13 graphical interface VERY DIFFERENT from earlier versions. Because of this, and because of the extensive number of enhancements and model changes we believe this course is ideally suited to getting you back working at maximum efficiency with TRANSYT, saving you days of your time back in the office.
The course content includes a mix of presentations (from TRL staff), demonstrations and extensive exercises including the following:
- New graphical interface features in detail
- Building a network model (from scratch) using NetCon
- Data input and getting the most from TRANSYT Data Grids
- Using intergreen matrices and the new T13 Signals Mode.
- New opposed right-turn model
- Changes to TRANSYT output
- Changes to the traffic model (e.g. new Cell Transmission Model)
- Changes to the signal optimiser
- Cycle time selection
- Interpretation of new graph types (including time distance diagrams)
- Working with demand sets and signal sets
- Interaction with other relevant software products
- Import options and how to work with TRANSYT 12 users
- Extended data ranges
- Hints, tips and insight into future versions only we can provide
- TRANSYT13 exercise solution CD
N.B. all important changes to TRANSYT 13 are covered to a lesser or greater extent by this course.
IHE Approved CPD
TRANSYT Training (two-day foundation course)
NEW! – Course updated to cover new features of latest TRANSYT (TRANSYT 13.1)
This two-day course is aimed at those involved in the design and operation of traffic management and control in urban areas. It is also suitable to anyone evaluating designs of linked traffic signals, such as those at signalised roundabouts. The aim of the course is to provide delegates with grounding in how to use TRANSYT by explaining all of the main features of the program through a sensible mix of presentations, demonstrations and practical sessions.
The course is suitable for beginners, although familiarity with basic traffic engineering terms and ideas is assumed. Experienced users can also benefit from the course, since they provide an opportunity to try out new features in the software. Familiarity with the use of PCs and Windows software is also assumed.
Presentations will describe the TRANSYT method and how to apply it. The relevant traffic principles, modelling of networks, input and output and the many optional facilities are explained. The course uses the very latest release of TRANSYT 13 and explains the use of the graphical network diagram facility (NetCon) as well as the many other key features.
The course content includes a mix of presentations (from TRL staff), demonstrations and exercises including the following:
- General basics of urban traffic control
- Relevant traffic principles; network modelling; offset and split optimisation
- ‘Using TRANSYT’ overview
- New CTM traffic model
- Network construction (from scratch) using NetCon
- Data-entry screens, data grids
- Graphical interface: additional tools and features
- Cycle time optimisation (CYOP and Cycle-time graph)
- Detailed Interpretation of main output and results
- Interpretation of all graph types (including time distance diagrams)
- Junctions in TRANSYT: give-ways; signalled give-ways; opposed right-turn movements; flares and funnels.
- Details of TRANSYT: double greens; bus priority and shared stop lines; stops and delay; cruise speed measurement and sensitivity.
- Using TRANSYT to modelling signalised roundabouts.
Practical sessions
Hints, tips and insight into future versions only we can provide
TRANSYT13 exercise solution CD
IHE Approved CPD
ARCADY/PICADY Training (two-day foundation course)
Covering both ARCADY 6 and PICADY 5, this two-day course aims to give delegates a comprehensive grounding in how to use the programs and how to interpret the results. Delegates will also leave with a surprisingly useful appreciation of the most relevant traffic mechanisms/theory behind the programs. The course also gives delegates practical experience on using the software. The course is a sensible mix of presentations (from TRL staff), practical sessions and demonstrations.
The course is for anyone involved with the design of roundabouts and priority junctions, (rather than policy makers) who has no knowledge or limited knowledge of ARCADY and PICADY,. Familiarity with basic traffic engineering terms and ideas is assumed as well as familiarity with the use of PCs and Windows software.
The course is also of use to anyone examining submissions involving ARCADY or PICADY.
The course content includes a mix of presentations (from TRL staff), demonstrations and exercises including the following:
- Capacity Aspects, including relevant theoretical background
- Program capabilities and advice on program use
- Interpretation of output results
- ARCADY’s 3-D visualisation program
- Safety Aspects, covering accident relationships at junctions
Practical sessions
Hints, tips and insight into future versions only we can provide
ARCADY6 Exercise solution CD
IHE Approved CPD
ARCADY/PICADY Training (one-day concise course)
Covering both ARCADY 6 and PICADY 5, this one-day course aims to give delegates a comprehensive grounding in how to use the programs and how to interpret the results. Delegates will also leave with a surprisingly useful appreciation of the most relevant traffic mechanisms/theory behind the programs. The course also gives delegates practical experience on using the software. The course is a sensible mix of presentations (from TRL staff), practical sessions and demonstrations.
The course is for anyone involved with the design of roundabouts and priority junctions, (rather than policy makers) who has no knowledge or limited knowledge of ARCADY and PICADY. Familiarity with basic traffic engineering terms and ideas is assumed as well as familiarity with the use of PCs and Windows software.
The course is also of use to anyone examining submissions involving ARCADY or PICADY.
The course content includes a mix of presentations (from TRL staff), demonstrations and exercises including the following:
- Capacity Aspects, including relevant theoretical background
- Program capabilities and advice on program use
- Interpretation of output results
- Demonstrations
Practical sessions
Hints, tips and insight into future versions only we can provide
ARCADY6 Exercise solution CD
IHE Approved CPD
MOVA Seminar and MOVA Engineers Training Course
Day 1 is in Seminar format and is designed for those responsible for the road network and traffic engineers who need an introduction to MOVA. The day covers the basic principles of MOVA operation, how effective it is in comparison with other systems, where it is most suited, and the future of MOVA.
The courses are suitable for beginners, although familiarity with basic traffic engineering terms and ideas is assumed. Experienced users can also benefit from the courses, since they provide an opportunity to try out new features in the software. Some advanced topics are also covered towards the ends of the courses. Familiarity with the use of PCs and Windows software is assumed.
Days 2 and 3 (the Engineers’ course) is a mixture of practical and theory and delves into much of the detail on how to design commission and validate a MOVA controlled junction.
Exercises include the measurement of saturation flow and speed, and use of MOVA Comm and the new forthcoming MOVA Setup for Windows. There is much detailed explanation of how to configure MOVA – links and lanes are described as are detector location, shapes and numbering; how to deal with right-turning traffic, short lanes, bus priority, linked MOVA, MOVA M6 (latest version) controller specification, commissioning, validation, Compact MOVA, SDCODE configuration, use of MOVA Comm and a full explanation of MOVA messages. Use with PCMOVA is also considered.
All in all this is a very detailed course aimed at covering virtually every aspect of MOVA operation, and is accompanied by very comprehensive notes for you to keep.
IHE Approved CPD
OSCADY PRO Training (One-day foundation course)
This one-day introductory course aims to give delegates a basic grounding in how to use the program and how to interpret the results. The course is a sensible mix of presentations, practical sessions and demonstrations, but with the main emphasis on the practical sessions.
The course is for anyone involved with the design of signalised junctions (rather than policy makers) who has no knowledge or limited knowledge of OSCADY PRO. The course is also of use to anyone examining submissions involving OSCADY PRO.
The course content includes a mix of presentations (from TRL staff), demonstrations and extensive exercises including the following:
- Capacity Aspects
- Signal optimisation
- Program capabilities and advice on program use
- Program features
- Interpretation of output
- Demonstrations
- Practical sessions
- OSCADY PRO exercise solution CD
IHE Approved CPD
OSCADY 5 CLASSIC Training (Two-day foundation course)
The course uses OSCADY 5 and includes a demonstration of its features such as graph generation and multiple demand sets. It gives delegates an appreciation of the traffic mechanisms behind the programs and practical experience in their use. The course is for anyone involved with the design of signalised junctions (rather than policy makers), who has no knowledge or limited knowledge of OSCADY.
- Capacity Aspects, including theoretical background
- Signal optimisation
- Program capabilities
- Advice on program use
- Safety Aspects, covering accident relationships at junctions
- Demonstrations
- Practical sessions
- OSCADY5 exercise solution CD
IHE Approved CPD
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
SCOOT Training
The objective of the course is to help traffic engineers and technicians to understand and apply SCOOT and to supplement the information given in the SCOOT literature. The course is aimed at candidates who have, or will have, a direct involvement in the implementation and operation of SCOOT.
The SCOOT Method: Vehicle detection; The traffic model; Optimisation Setting Up a SCOOT: System; Detector siting; Model validation; Preparation of data; Getting the Best Out of SCOOT: SCOOT output; Customising SCOOT; Congestion management; SCOOT Facilities: Bus priority; ASTRID; INGRID; Historic Profiles; Gating; Emission Estimates; Current Research: Recent SCOOT versions; Future developments; Exercises: Setting up SCOOT data; Detector siting; Validation.
IHE Approved CPD
(For further information regarding price list please click on the link to contact us: Career Change Wales – Training Academy or Tel: 02921 156 603)