Success in Erasmus KA2 (Key Action 2) – Strategic Partnership and Innovation project led by a local Welsh SME

We are delighted to share our excellent news that we have been successful in an Erasmus KA2 project in Strategic Partnership and Innovation funding application.

‘Our MEW’ (Mental and Emotional Wellbeing) project is to raise awareness, have an understanding and improve people’s perception of mental and emotional wellbeing. The total approved grant for this project is: €182,929.00 spread over 2 years.

This project will be led by CCW-Training Academy and collaborating with our partners from Italy (CESIE), England (University of Gloucestershire), France (ADICE), and Animam Viventem (Portugal).

The main Erasmus KA2 project output is to design an online training portal withy contents to help to improve participant’s self-esteem, confidence and assertiveness. Teaching them the methods of relaxation and coping with difficult and stressful situations. Participants will improve their communication skills, which will benefit their relationships on a personal and professional level. It will give people a more constructive and positive way to gain understanding of strategies which will help to deal with the stresses and pressures of everyday life.

This Erasmus KA2 project looks at some fundamental and essential skills, attitudes and mind sets that, if developed and enhanced further, will help people deal with difficult and challenging situations as part of their work in a more positive and constructive way.

Intellectual Outputs (IO) consist of the following:

IO1: Training Tool-Kit (relating to the 5 topics)

IO2: Video production (relating to the 5 topics)

IO3: Good Practices (relating to the 5 topics)

IO4: Interactive Games and Animation Production to explain the fundamental and essential information about each topic to give an understanding and clarity.

IO5: Training Portal/Website design

Transnational Meeting 1 at Cardiff, 2 days (Start of project):

Induction of the project, agreeing IO topics covered by which organisation, timeline, finance, project management, milestone, agreeing video production and etc…

Transnational Meeting 2 at Sicily, 2 days (1 year after first meeting): Review/agree what has been done in Cardiff, propose video production, agree timeline etc. Review work done so far. Finalising and agreeing IO topics for the production of the video/s.

Transnational Meeting 3 at Gloucester, 3 days (3 months before completion/21 months): Review the videos produce, minor adjustments, and Multiplier Event in Gloucester. Final agreements before Training Portal going “LIVE”.

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (MEW) Project Page

COPE Project Page

E2MP Project Page

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